Remnants of the Past, Lowell Book Launch

CALAA is hosting LinDa Saphan and Nate Hun this Saturday, 11/2, at 6pm to talk about their newest book, "Remnants of the Past: A Filmography of Early Cambodian Cinema at Lala Bookstore,Lowell, MA

Remnants of the Past, PP book launch


Resilience Rising, Stories of Women fighting for peace

Day 5 features two presentations about Cambodians in the American diaspora by filmmakers Dr. Lin Da Saphan and Penh Samnang Kann.

Katmandu Model College Talk, Nepal

SATURDAY SEMINARS @ Java Creative, Cambodia

Reel Histories with Dr. LinDa Saphan. This event promises to be an enlightening deep-dive into the overlooked legacy of Cambodian film history.


Nate Hun: A Magnificent Obsession

"[... ] Just like Nate, we are enthralled by the spectacle of costume, music, and design. We never want this enchantment to end, and we have his magnificent obsession to thank for it." LinDa Saphan

To learn more get your copy of MARG1N

Visiting Professor at the DMC, RUPP, Cambodia

Visual Cultures: Cambodian Cinematic Language Lecture Series by Dr. LinDa Saphan will be held on Thursdays from February 15 to May 2, 2024.