Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia Lost Rock and Roll had it world premiere in Phnom Penh in 2014. Since then the film opened in many other countries. The film was screened in many cities with a Cambodian communities from Paris (France), to Long Beach and Lowell in USA and Montreal in Canada among many others.
It is important to bring the film to the Cambodian people in the provinces- in the villages. Bayon Band – Samley Hong – once brought rock and roll on an oxcart in the village back in the 1960s, the film will have the same spirit.
The aim of the project is to bring the film to seven provincial towns for the people to have an opportunity to come together and celebrate its musical history, share their memories of the pre-war era, and commemorate the country talents.
Filmmaker and producer John Pirozzi and the head researcher, sociologist Dr LinDa Saphan will hold a Q&A after each screening, the audience will have first hand experience regarding the motivation, research process and behind the scene stories.
Nate from Lowell, MA. 7:07, Released July 2016. "About the importance of archiving memory through the lens of a record collector who preserved Cambodian popular music history."
In Cambodia, popular music has yet to be recognized as a part of cultural heritage. There are no institutions that preserve, archive, and research lost and hidden popular music.
An entire generation of musicians died along with an estimate 2 million people in the genocide committed by the Khmer Rouge from 1975-1979.
Nate Hun born in Lowell, MA began collecting and preserving prewar Cambodian popular music in his childhood, becoming an expert on Cambodian rock as a collector of records, tapes, and other memorabilia.
This short film is about Nate who is at the heart of preservation of Cambodian popular music.
Film by LinDa Saphan
Cinematography by John Pirozzi
Edited by Edmund Carson
Starring: Nate Hun and Samoeun Hun
"Almost 40 years after the Khmer Rouge regime devastated Cambodian cultural production, artists are uncovering their own growth that formed out of the bloodshed. The genocide, which affected how Cambodians articulate their culture, perpetuated a mass exodus of over one million people who scattered across the globe to the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe. Caught between identifying their sense of belonging in two (or more) different countries, Cambodian refugees that fled the genocide have experienced various moments of displacement, abandonment and cultural hybridity. InCube Arts Space’s “INTERLACE,” curated by Loredana Pazzini-Paracciani, features three artists who weave into their work their personal life stories of growing up outside their homeland, as well as the challenges they faced while assimilating within a society that either ignored or misconstrued their native culture. Feeling stateless after fleeing their homeland, these artists have articulated and defined their own space through their artwork. They create their own metaphorical maps, illuminated with new shapes and border demarcations, through mixed media and performance art that reference childhood memories and practices that have remained throughout their upbringing abroad."
June 10 – 30, 2016 Curated by Loredana Pazzini-Paracciani Artists|Anida Yoeu Ali, Amy Lee Sanford, LinDa Saphan Performance|Friday, June 10, 6pm, Single Break Pot: West 52nd Street, by Amy Lee Sanford. Opening Reception|Friday, June 10, 7 – 9 pm InCube Gallery: 314 west 52nd Street, #1, New York, NY 10019, USA
INTERLACE: Three Artists in the Cambodian Diaspora tackles the contemporary relationship with memories and the recollection of small narratives beyond mainstream histories. At the same time, stemming from the artists’ local awareness and global perspectives, the exhibition looks at universal concerns that are able to invest a broader audience with a participatory role in experiencing and responding to the works by ultimately dwelling on their own migratory experience.
Dr. LinDa Saphan conducted a social science research, in collaboration with Dr. Berger from the Psychology Department to interview older Khmer Rouge survivors living in Lowell, Massachusetts, to document their memories of Cambodian music prior to the Cambodian Civil War (1970–1975) and study how those memories are transmitted and how they cement social bonds through shared cultural identity.
PenhSamnang Kang, our research assistant was key in interviewing the Cambodian elders in Lowell. We conducted a total of 32 interviews in less than a week.
April 28, 2016
Researcher LinDa Saphan and director John Pirozzi just visited the May 4th Center memorial at Kent State.On May 4th,1970 four unarmed students lives were brutally taken from them at an antiwar protest on the Kent State campus by Ohio National guardsmen. The students were protesting Nixon's decision to invade Cambodia thereby spreading America's war with Vietnam deeper into S.E. Asia. On that day Kent State's history became inextricably bound to Cambodia's tragic modern history. It's a very powerful exhibit that details the horrific events that occurred here on that fateful day. Not only were the students within their 1st amendment rights to assembly and free speech but history has proven them right that Nixon's expansion of the war into Cambodia would only end in disaster. Tonight's screening of Don't Think I've Forgotten is a very special one for them. http://www.kent.edu/may4/events
The UMASS Lowell Dept. of Art & Design is pleased to present a panel discussion with the artists from 1975, an exhibit of work by Cambodian American artists who engage with themes of war, memory, displacement and globalization. The panel discussion with Anida Yoeu Ali, Amy Lee Sandford and LinDa Saphan will take place in the O'Leary Library room 222 from 3:30 - 4:45, followed by a reception for the artists in the University Gallery in Mahoney Hall. All of these events take place on the South Campus of UMASS Lowell. Please email the Gallery Coordinator, [email protected] for more information.
For its fourth incarnation, it's on view at University of Massachusetts, Lowell, University Gallery, Jan 19-Feb 27, 2016. Featuring Anida Yoeu Ali, Amy Sanford, and LinDa Saphan. Thanks to Deborah Santoro for bringing the exhibition to Lowell, and Topaz Arts, LBCC Art Gallery and Wellesley College's Jewett Art Gallery for previous incarnations. All the artists will be in Lowell for a panel Feb 11!
-Chuong-Dai Vo